Kidma’s Etiquette Programs

Led by the visionary Nisy Younes, Kidma, a local business in Perth, is dedicated to instilling timeless values and polished confidence in our modern-day children.

Before becoming the driving force of Kidma, Nisy had a diverse background. Originally from Lebanon, she began her career as a banker, working in the fast-paced financial world. However, Nisy felt a passion to pursue her love for fashion and become a personal stylist.

During this time, Nisy made a profound realisation. She noticed that many women, particularly during interviews and important events, lacked the confidence to present themselves effectively. Whether it was their attire, body language, or communication skills, Nisy recognised that these factors played a crucial role in how individuals perceived themselves.

Nisy’s realised to make a lasting impact on adults, she had to start by nurturing confidence and self-assurance in children. Recognising early education plays a vital role in shaping personalities and behaviours, she decided to focus on children’s social development through etiquette programs.

In a world increasingly driven by technology and fast-paced interactions, teaching children the value of good manners and proper social etiquette has never been more valuable. Nisy possesses a genuine passion for nurturing children's confidence and character.

Kidma offers carefully designed programs to complement traditional education by focusing on essential life skills. To go beyond teaching a set of rules, and emphasize the importance of self-awareness, empathy and understanding of one's impact on another’s actions. By nurturing these skills, Kidma aims to create a generation of polished and compassionate individuals who can navigate social situations with ease and kindness.


Table Manners and Dining Etiquette:

Children are taught the art of dining etiquette, including proper use of cutlery, table settings, and polite conversation during meals. Understanding the importance of dining etiquette empowers children to feel comfortable in various social settings, building their confidence as they grow.

Communication and Social Skills:

Effective communication is a cornerstone of success in personal and professional life. Kidma's programs focus on developing children's listening skills, conversation etiquette, non-verbal communication and most importantly confidence.

Parents have noticed remarkable improvements in their children's confidence, self-awareness, and social interactions. Children who once felt shy or awkward in social situations now show poise and self-assurance, thanks to the skills acquired through Kidma's programs.

Kidma is proud to join the Higher Swing community to make a positive impact on the lives of countless children and their families to equip them to face life’s challenges.

Check out Kidma programs to help your children embrace etiquette not as a set of rigid rules but as a way of gaining confidence in everyday life and learning how to act in social interactions.

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