The following video might be sensitive to some as it contains stories about body appearance.
The new digital age has impacted day-to-day living for everyone especially with children. Social media has made it easy to conform with social trends and imitate others but not truly be yourself. Mental health specialists say that social media is fueling a mental health crisis. As parents or caregivers, we must be aware of the effects of social media and what it is doing to our children.
This new Dove campaign is so powerful and shows the mental risk that our children are facing with social media. New research from the Dove Self-Esteem Project reveals that 52% of young girls wish they looked better, while 48% say they wished they looked like someone else. These young girls often see ‘beautiful’ influencers living their best ‘perfect’ life and compare themselves to them which effects their self-esteem and confidence.
Even more alarming that 46% of Australian girls are going to the extreme of taking a beauty procedure such a teeth whitening (20%) and eyelash extensions (15%) to become this ‘perfect’ version of themselves.
Higher Swing’s mission is to help parents to support their child’s mental wellbeing by providing a platform to connect you to unique programs that will nurture their social and emotional needs. Find local businesses across Australia that aim to empower a sense of wellbeing and connection.
It is time to give your children the opportunity to have a healthy role model that will give them guidance on how to navigate through this new world. It will help them understand their emotions, give confidence, manage anxiety and so much more.